The game "Magic Gardener" was created during the 3 hours of Trijam #274 (my first game jam). In it, you shoot dry and withered cacti with water from a watering can.


  • WASD - Movement
  • Left mouse button - Firing a Bullet
  • Right mouse button - Firing a big Bullet

Sound design by Svraido:

Coding and art solely done by me.

Published 3 days ago


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yeah fun game! I wish the spawning was a little more balanced because I found clumps of cacti teaming me. other than that I found myself playing for a little while.

Thank you! Yea the spawning was one of the things i wanted to do but i didn't want to work more than 3 Hours on the game

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I hope you have done it in the 3h cause I will definitely vote that one

Thank you and yes i've actually done it in 3 hours except the coming up with the idea but i believe that is okay if i remember the rules correctly.

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Oh and the music that was produced for this was not done by me. If this still counts to my time than it's not done in the 3 hours.


I think you can like use other sources so it should be ok